Photo of Maddy, a white nonbinary person with a shaved head, smiling and wearing a floral button-up

Maddy Shred

Non-binary PhD candidate in biology at McGill University studying the microtubule cytoskeleton and working to build queer community at McGill and beyond.

Image of a rainbow coloured microtubule model


Hi! I'm Maddy and I use they/them pronouns. I'm a PhD candidate in the Brouhard lab at McGill University. I'm interested in understanding how the structure of microtubules influences their dynamics and how the intrinsic dynamics of microtubules differ across evolution.I have skills in tubulin & MAP purification, Interference Reflection Microscopy, cryo-EM, Total Internal Reflection Microscopy, and cell culture.Outside of the lab, I organize McGill's Queer Grad Club and Tea4T, a group for trans and nonbinary staff and students. Recently, I've helped organize Out Loud: The Queer Voices in Research Symposium which highlighted the work of queer researchers at McGill. I've written for the ASCB Post about being nonbinary in academia and recently, I received the Quebec Lieutenant Governor's Youth Medal for my involvement in both queer and academic communities at McGill.

Important links

Get in touch

Interested in collaborating on a microtubule project? Want to nerd out about microtubules together?Curious about queer community building or interested in hosting a joint event? Want someone to write an article for you or your organization's blog about topics ranging from being trans and nonbinary in academia to dealing with ADHD as a grad student?Then please contact me! I'd love to hear from you.